2024-2025 Reflections Theme: Accepting Imperfection


Create an original piece inspired by the theme:

Accepting Imperfection

Enter in 1 or more of the following arts categories.
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts

Here are the 2024-25 Rules (English / Spanish) and entry form (English / Spanish).  Entries are due October 31st and can be turned in at the McNeil Front Office or virtually. More details with be forthcoming.

Reflections has encouraged millions of students to express themselves by giving positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Students through grade 12 may create and submit works of art in six categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. 

Judging Criteria

Volunteer arts and education experts review submissions without knowledge of the entrants’ identity. Judges look for personal interpretations of the program theme that best exemplify creativity and technical skill, as well as the artist's statement.

The judges look at how closely the piece relates to the theme, how creative and original the piece is in its conception of the theme and its presentation and the level of skill of the artist/student.

Awards & Prizes

Every participant receives recognition for their work.

Email questions to McNeil PTSA Reflections Chair: Priya Vathana Thayalan, mcneilptsareflections@gmail.com.